
Horses and their newly born babies. 


Two South Americans visiting a Central Asian country: Mongolia. Photo is taken by Bolod


Colombian couple in tent of a Mongolian herder. Photo is taken by Bolod.


A "kindergarden" in Mongolian countryside. April 19th, 2017. Photo is taken by Bolod


Mother and baby: A goat who lost her own baby, has adopted the "child" who is indeed a baby sheep.  The adoptation was arranged by the owners-nomad family who found that a young mother- sheep was feeding enough her baby.

Photo taken by Bolod on April 13rd, 2017


Just born. The photo is taken during the trip with a Russia's Aeroflot crew.


The boys who are brothers entertaining themselves. Stick is both a toy or a tool: it's a toy to ride it as a horse or camel and an equipment or a lasso to drive and catch cows or sheeps.

Averagely, a Mongolian herder family has now 500-600 sheeps and goats.

A nomad is considered as wealthy if  one has 900-1000 and more animals. And he often has to employ an assitant herder.  It's not easy to find the assistant when 60% of Mongolia's population live now in Ulaanbaatar. 2017.1.13. Photo taken by Bolod.


Our host family. They are originally from far-western Mongolia: husband from Gobi-Altai province and wife from Hovd. Their little sons were born here in central-western Mongolia. The girl sitting in front is a niece of our host lady. The girl is now on school break and helping the family a lot. She takes care little brothers while the adults are busy with animals. Photo taken by Bolod.


We stayed the second overnight with this family. They have two children: boys of 2 and 3 year-old. By Mongolian tradition, every child gets his first haircut at 3. Photo taken by Bolod.

trip 2

2017.01.11. The second trip in 2017. Trip no.526. A 3-day trip through snow-covered Mongolian paysages for a Belgium traveller kicks off! Photo taken by Bolod



2016.12.31. In the eve of New Year, Paul, a British guest is visiting the winter camp of Mongolian nomads. Photo taken by Bolod.


A few years ago, the nomad from the north-western Zavkhan province moved here-central Mongolia. Today, his work place is this snow covered huge valley. But his 600 sheeps and goats look so far very fat and manage to find grasses here. If neccessary, the nomad will move away from here to better pasture. Photo taken by Bolod


December 24th, 2016. A Mongolian shepherd with his 2 friends\a horse and a dog\ herding his sheeps and goats on pasture. As the man says, the dog often stays with animals in his own. Photo is taken by Bolod. 

baby guard4

-Sorry, I'm on duty. 

Thank you-the baby Mongol dog and the family who live in the ger-tent for staying in land of ancestors. You are real Mongolian patriots!

The most of 3 mln. Mongols have gone to crowded Ulaanbaatar with horribly polluted air in winter months. It's so sad and so shame!

December 7th, 2016. Photo by Bolod.

baby guard2

Baby is a baby and for the moment, the guard was almost attracted by a "candy". But saying to us:

-Your "candy" smells really nice, but, I'm so sorry, I can't have it. Because I'm on duty now- the baby guard hurrily goes back to the "job".

December 7th, 2016. Photo and translation from dog's Mongolian by Bolod.